Hi Everyone! How are you all doing? I wrote this post, for my newsletter, in early February before any of us knew we would be where we are today with Covid-19. This time has been quite a struggle for so many of us and maybe not quite so much for others. I've been going through both and doing what I can control in my life right now, so I've decided to start a blog. I thought this would be a great start and would like to share it all with you all. I mean what better way then to get through this time, than to create sacred space for yourself to help you get through Covid-19. I hope you enjoy.
This month, I've been inspired to share with you about creating sacred space and ritual. This is the first thing I talk about when working with clients who do any type of healing work for others or on themselves...and who want to grow personally, spiritually and in their intuitive development. It's also what I do daily for my own soul growth. So if you're interested, read on...
This month, I've been inspired to share with you about creating sacred space and ritual. This is the first thing I talk about when working with clients who do any type of healing work for others or on themselves...and who want to grow personally, spiritually and in their intuitive development. It's also what I do daily for my own soul growth. So if you're interested, read on...

In my work, when I’m teaching or coaching others in personal, spiritual or intuitive development, the very first thing I like to talk about is creating sacred space and ritual. This is a sacred place and time where you can go to daily, for ritual, to nourish your own soul growth, and for communing with your higher self and the divine to get guidance or healing. It's also important if you’re someone who works with others, does any kind of massage, healing, shamanic, spiritual work, meditation, intuitive development, or gives readings of any kind. And, it's setting yourself up for uninterrupted time to go within from a place of intention.
I also (suggest) and like to create an intention before I go into my ritual. By setting an intention, you enable the energy to shift…to take you deeper, so that something more sacred could emerge. This intention could be for some kind of healing or guidance, but the point is to set it so that the energy can shift. As the energy shifts, you are also making space for your higher self and the divine to work through you. Rather than letting you or your ego take over, with intention you are allowing for the sacred to touch your soul with growth, healing and guidance. It also helps you to get more grounded and centered in your own life or when you have to work with others.
When we don’t create sacred time or space for ourselves, we tend to use up our own energy and have poor boundaries in our lives and around others. This can also cause burnout in our work! We also open ourselves up to negative energies and can receive incorrect guidance from the ego's standpoint. We have to be careful not to play God and to get out of our own way so that real healing and guidance can occur. Even for myself, when I’m sloppy with my own soul growth, I feel less grounded in my life and with my clients. I'm not connected to my higher self or the divine and tend to be less confident in my work. So yes, creating sacred space and ritual builds confidence...it builds connection with a higher source. Going within guides you and your highest path. It nurtures your soul! It can bring more joy, abundance, purpose, healing and guidance. Below are some of my favorite rituals that you can do in your sacred space. Which ones are your favorites?
(and some of my own favorites)
Meditation/Shamanic Journeying
The Law of Attraction
Reading Spiritual or Personal Development Books
Pulling Tarot or Oracle Cards
Positive Affirmations
Self-Healing Techniques
Energetic Protection
We also create sacred space by setting up our own personal alters…with our own sacred objects. The purpose of creating an alter also brings in ritual, guidance and healing, along with invoking the spiritual elements that you connect with on a daily basis to be with you as you pray, meditate, journal.
In my work, when I’m teaching or coaching others in personal, spiritual or intuitive development, the very first thing I like to talk about is creating sacred space and ritual. This is a sacred place and time where you can go to daily, for ritual, to nourish your own soul growth, and for communing with your higher self and the divine to get guidance or healing. It's also important if you’re someone who works with others, does any kind of massage, healing, shamanic, spiritual work, meditation, intuitive development, or gives readings of any kind. And, it's setting yourself up for uninterrupted time to go within from a place of intention.
I also (suggest) and like to create an intention before I go into my ritual. By setting an intention, you enable the energy to shift…to take you deeper, so that something more sacred could emerge. This intention could be for some kind of healing or guidance, but the point is to set it so that the energy can shift. As the energy shifts, you are also making space for your higher self and the divine to work through you. Rather than letting you or your ego take over, with intention you are allowing for the sacred to touch your soul with growth, healing and guidance. It also helps you to get more grounded and centered in your own life or when you have to work with others.
When we don’t create sacred time or space for ourselves, we tend to use up our own energy and have poor boundaries in our lives and around others. This can also cause burnout in our work! We also open ourselves up to negative energies and can receive incorrect guidance from the ego's standpoint. We have to be careful not to play God and to get out of our own way so that real healing and guidance can occur. Even for myself, when I’m sloppy with my own soul growth, I feel less grounded in my life and with my clients. I'm not connected to my higher self or the divine and tend to be less confident in my work. So yes, creating sacred space and ritual builds confidence...it builds connection with a higher source. Going within guides you and your highest path. It nurtures your soul! It can bring more joy, abundance, purpose, healing and guidance. Below are some of my favorite rituals that you can do in your sacred space. Which ones are your favorites?
(and some of my own favorites)
Meditation/Shamanic Journeying
The Law of Attraction
Reading Spiritual or Personal Development Books
Pulling Tarot or Oracle Cards
Positive Affirmations
Self-Healing Techniques
Energetic Protection
We also create sacred space by setting up our own personal alters…with our own sacred objects. The purpose of creating an alter also brings in ritual, guidance and healing, along with invoking the spiritual elements that you connect with on a daily basis to be with you as you pray, meditate, journal.
When setting up your alter, make sure it is placed somewhere that feels sacred to you, where you can have your ritual and sacred time for soul work. Your alter could even be placed in a small corner of your home or somewhere out in nature, like your backyard. What’s important is that this space is sacred to you.
Typical objects placed on an altar MAY include: crystals, pictures, statues, objects from nature such as leaves, flowers, branches, etc., and representations of the elements such as incense or sage for Air; soil, stones, crystals or salt for Earth; cup of water for Water; candle for Fire. An altar is your "anchor" for the ritual you are doing. You may also like to find a nice piece of cloth to place your items on.
And finally keep a Journal by your side to record your experiences. Recording your experiences helps to gauge how much you are growing in your development, so you can look back at a later date to see how much you've grown.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this! For those of you who already do this work, I hope this is a reminder to keep attending to your own soul growth. If this is new to you, I hope it gave you some good ideas and you give it a try. Please feel free to reach out if you need help. For those of you already doing this work, I'd love to hear what you're doing? You might even give me some new ideas. :-)
If you've read this far, thank you for your interest. Please do reach out if you'd like to find out more about what I'm doing or if you'd like to work with me. We can set up a time to briefly talk and see if we are a good fit. You can also go to my website www.pattyswiatly.com to see what services I do offer. Regardless, you are always welcome to reach out to me.
Namaste, Light, & Love,
Patty {Sage} Swiatly
Typical objects placed on an altar MAY include: crystals, pictures, statues, objects from nature such as leaves, flowers, branches, etc., and representations of the elements such as incense or sage for Air; soil, stones, crystals or salt for Earth; cup of water for Water; candle for Fire. An altar is your "anchor" for the ritual you are doing. You may also like to find a nice piece of cloth to place your items on.
And finally keep a Journal by your side to record your experiences. Recording your experiences helps to gauge how much you are growing in your development, so you can look back at a later date to see how much you've grown.
I hope you all enjoyed reading this! For those of you who already do this work, I hope this is a reminder to keep attending to your own soul growth. If this is new to you, I hope it gave you some good ideas and you give it a try. Please feel free to reach out if you need help. For those of you already doing this work, I'd love to hear what you're doing? You might even give me some new ideas. :-)
If you've read this far, thank you for your interest. Please do reach out if you'd like to find out more about what I'm doing or if you'd like to work with me. We can set up a time to briefly talk and see if we are a good fit. You can also go to my website www.pattyswiatly.com to see what services I do offer. Regardless, you are always welcome to reach out to me.
Namaste, Light, & Love,
Patty {Sage} Swiatly